Wolters Kluwer Interview Questions



When being interviewed for a job, we all want to put our best foot forward. We must listen to the advice of experts – those who are frequently seated on the other side of the table during interviews to give ourselves the best chance of landing the job.

This blog will deal with the Wolters Kluwer Interview Questions and Answers. So without any further ado, let's get started!

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer is a global leader in software solutions, professional information, and services for the health, governance, tax and accounting, risk, compliance, and legal and regulatory industries. In 2019, Wolters Kluwer, based in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands, reported annual revenue of €4.6 billion. Customers come from more than 180 countries, the company operates in more than 40 countries, and it employs roughly 19,000 people globally.

Interview Questions

1. Is Multiple Inheritance supported in Java?

Multiple inheritances are not supported in Java. Because interfaces do not facilitate inheritance, implementing multiple interfaces does not result in various inheritances.

2. Write a method to check if the input String is Palindrome?

A simple and intuitive approach could be to compare the given string with its reversed form and check whether they are equal or not. We have to ignore the symbols, whitespaces and case during the comparison.

A better approach could be simultaneously iterate over the start and end of the string and check if the string is a palindrome. During the iteration, we ignore the special characters, whitespaces, and string case.

3. Square Submatrix having sum less than or equal to K

Problem Statement

Given a 2-dimensional matrix of size 'N' x 'M' and an integer K. Find the largest square sub-matrix with a sum that is less than or equal to K. The product of a matrix's rows and columns determines its size.

A sub-matrix is a matrix created by deleting a few (possibly zero or all) rows/columns from the beginning and a few (possibly zero or all) rows/columns from the end of a given matrix. 


In this method, we will look for all possible square sub-matrices and see if their sum is less than or equal to K.

We'll use three variables to define a square sub-matrix (R, C, L). The top-left corner of the sub-matrix is denoted by (R, C), and the number of rows/columns in the square sub-matrix is denoted by L. As a result, the bottom-right corner of the sub-matrix will be (R+L-1, C+L-1).

We have to run a loop R from 0 to N-1 and loop C from 0 to M-1. Then we have to run a loop L from 1 to  min((N-R),(M-C) ). After that we find the sum of sub-matrix (R, C, R+L-1, C+L-1)

We'll use two loops to iterate over the elements of the sub-matrix in order to find the sum.

Time Complexity

O((N * M)^2 * min(N, M), where N denotes the number of rows in the matrix and M denotes the number of columns.

It will take O((N * M) * min(N,M) time to compute each square sub-matrix. Finding the sum of a sub-matrix takes O(N * M) time in the worst-case scenario. As a result, the time complexity is O((N * M)2 * min(N,M) in the end.

Space Complexity

O(1) as constant space is only required.

Points to remember

Sometimes it happens that even top candidates get caught up in the details of a question and don't realise that they've lost their audience. Every applicant should focus solely on the question at hand rather than going deeper into a particular subject. This level of detail could be used to draw attention to a particularly strong point in the candidate's resume. However, if the interviewer has missed it, it is preferable to address it at the end of the interview by politely saying, "What I would like to share with you is..." This keeps the hiring manager's attention throughout the conversation while still giving the potential employee a chance to highlight their skills.


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