Why do we use a spread operator in ES6?


Programming languages are part and parcel of technological advancement. These languages are the reason for software and applications that make your lives easier. Javascript is one of the most widely used programming languages.

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that lets you implement complex features on web pages — JavaScript is involved whenever a web page displays timely updates, interactive maps, animated graphics, scrolling videos, etc. instead of just static information to view. 

It is the third tier of the layer cake of common web technologies, the first two of which are HTML and CSS.

If you are new to Javascript programming, some concepts must be learned. Spread operator in Javascript is an important concept for beginners and veterans alike. 

We will delve into Javascript and learn about the uses and features of JS online compilers.

But first, we must know what the Javascript spread operator is. Let’s get started!

What is the spread operator in Javascript?

With ES6, JavaScript gained the spread operator, a feature that makes accessing and modifying the contents of iterable objects simple. Any object that can be visited sequentially is called a "iterable object" in JavaScript.

You can sequentially access the components or attributes of these JavaScript data types. 

For instance, you can utilize a for loop to iterate through the elements of an array, or when working with JavaScript objects, you can employ for...in loops to traverse their properties and values.

Features of spread operator in javascript

Spread operator is a versatile tool for Javascript. Here are the features of the spread operator in Javascript:

  • Array Spread: The spread operator allows you to insert the elements of one array into another array. This makes it easy to combine arrays or create new ones.
  • Object Spread: The spread operator in Javascript can be used to create a shallow copy of an object or merge multiple objects into a single one.
  • Function Arguments: When used in function arguments, The spread operator collects all provided values into an array-like object. This simplifies working with variable-length argument lists.
  • Copying Arrays: The spread operator provides a concise way to create copies of arrays. This ensures that changes to the copy do not affect the original array.


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